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Health and safety policy



DELCA LOGISTIC UAB requires occupational health and safety to be regarded as a primary requisite in all company operations.


The safety of the general public, vehicle suppliers or subcontractors, clients and our own employees is the responsibility of all levels of management and is to be demonstrated at all times.


As a company, we neither expect, nor require our employees or contractors to be involved in any activity that is unsafe or illegal.


Occupational Health and Safety is a primary requisite in every company operation. It is a concern for all employers.


We believe that incidents and injuries are preventable, and that a job is only well done if it is done safely.


We have documented Health and Safety in place according to the legal regulations and we seek to have the best safety performance in the specific industry sector.


Our goals are:

  • Prevent workplace incidents and injuries,
  • Continually improve our health and safety performance,
  • Foster a culture in which all employees, partners, contractors and subcontractors share this commitment to health and safety and the environment,
  • Have the best safety performance in the specific industry sector.


Regardless of the urgency of the situation, there is to be no compromise concerning safety. We seek the co-operation of customers, employees and vehicle suppliers or subcontractors in achieving and maintaining a safe working environment for all.


Aldas Katkauskas

Chief Operating Officer





DELCA LOGISTIC UAB recognize and accepts responsibility as an employer for providing a safe, healthy workplace and work environment for my employees and others (contractors, visitors, and the public) that may be affected by my work. Delca Logistic UAB as the employer undertake to comply with all statutory national health and safety requirements.


Our general intent:


  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training;
  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
  • To provide information, instruction and supervision for our employees;
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions;
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
  • To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
  • To ensure safe handling, storage and use of substances;
  • To provide safe systems of work;
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
  • To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.


General Safety Rules


These rules apply to every person employed or subcontracted by Delca Logistic UAB:


  • Each person must take the care for which they are capable to protect their own health and safety and that of their fellow workers.
  • Employees and contractors, clients and subcontractors must at all times comply with statutory requirements, clients’ policies and procedures, and all lawful instructions of managerial and supervisory staff. However employees and contractors, clients and subcontractors must not follow a direction that places their own safety or the safety of others at risk.
  • All employees and contractors, clients and subcontractors are required to cooperate in achieving a safe and healthy workplace and immediately report any workplace hazard to supervisory staff.
  • All workplace accidents and injuries must be reported immediately to the appropriate client or Delca Logistic UAB representative. All workplace accidents and injuries must be recorded in the Accident Report Book – Registry of Injuries.
  • Employees and visitors shall wear and / or use all issued protective clothing and equipment in order to protect the health and safety of themselves and fellow workers. Appropriate footwear must be worn when loading, unloading, or driving.
  • Under no circumstances are employees or contractors, clients and subcontractors to operate vehicles, plant, or equipment while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or any other substance that in any way affects the ability of the employee or contractors, clients and subcontractors to perform their duties safely and efficiently.
  • Employees and contractors, clients and subcontractors shall not operate vehicles, plant, or equipment, transport unless appropriately licensed and authorised by their manager or supervisor. At client premises, employees and contractors, clients and subcontractors may only operate their own vehicle.
  • They must not operate any other vehicle, plant or equipment.


Each employee is responsible for maintaining their immediate work area in a tidy and safe condition and ensuring that plant, equipment and machinery, which they operate, is safe to use.

No person is required to perform any duty or undertake any task that they reasonably believe places their health and safety, or that of their fellow workers at risk.

Smoking is not permitted in any area of the premises or those of our clients.


Employees and contractors, clients and subcontractors breaking safety rules and / or ignoring safe working practices will be subject to disciplinary procedures. The breaking of safety rules is viewed as an act of misconduct.


Use of Reasonably Practicable Means


Delca Logistic UAB intends to adopt all reasonably practicable means to eliminate hazards and reduce the risks of injury to its employees and others (visitors, contractors, and members of the public), and the risk of damage to its property.


The Company will ensure that resources are made available to provide:


  • Plant, equipment, transport and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health and the environment;
  • Safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
  • A safe place of work with safe access to it and safe egress from it;
  • A healthy working environment;
  • adequate welfare facilities and arrangements;
  • Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure all employees are aware of the hazards at their workplace together with the necessary measures to be taken to protect against these hazards;
  • A monitoring, inspection and auditing procedure to ensure the effective management of health and safety throughout the Company; and
  • To encourage the co-operation of the employees.





General Director Responsibilities


Shall be accountable for the following areas in relation to Health and Safety:


  • Ensuring the Health, Safety and Welfare of their employees and visitors to their premises.
  • Ensuring that adequate resources are made available for making their work place and processes “as safe as reasonably practicable”.
  • That, systems are in place for identifying, assessing and controlling all risks associated with their undertakings.
  • Developing and implementing an annual safety plan with measurable objectives.
  • Carrying out an annual audit and displaying the recommendations.
  • Appointing a qualified, competent person in relation to Health and Safety issues.
  • That, arrangements are in place for consulting their employees in relation to Health and Safety matters.
  • Ensure that their employees and any visitors to their premises comply with the organisations Health and Safety policies and their procedures


Manager Responsibilities

  • Shall assist other employers of their duties in relation to Health and Safety legislation.
  • They shall arrange for processes to be developed for the identification, assessing and controlling all risks associated with the organisations undertakings.
  • They shall carry out regular workplace inspections and ensure that a report is prepared and circulated to pertinent persons with regards to these inspections.
  • They shall ensure that all employees, visitors and contactors fully comply with the organisations Health and Safety policies and procedures.
  • They shall conduct to the best of their abilities, detailed workplace accident investigations.
  • They shall seek advice from a qualified competent person when there is a requirement for clarification or guidance on Health and safety issues.
  • They shall take corrective actions should they witness or be informed of any breaches of the organisations Health and Safety policies and procedures.
  • They shall ensure that their staff receives the necessary training in order that they can carry out their duties in a safe manner.
  • They shall assist management in the preparation and implementation of the annual safety plan and report timeously any potential failings in achieving their objectives in relation to this plan.
  • They shall ensure that their staff and any visitors are familiar with any emergency procedures that may apply to their place of work.


Health and Safety Co-ordinator Responsibilities

  • They shall be the point of contact with Delca Logistic UAB.
  • They shall file and store and make readily accessible all documentation pertaining to Health and Safety issues.
  • They shall assist in identifying; assessing and controlling all risks associated with the organisation undertakings.
  • They shall circulate any information, circulars or documentation pertaining to Health and safety issues, to the relevant person(s).
  • They will advise management on matters of Health and safety to their best of their knowledge, experience and training.
  • They shall co-ordinate and assist management in the investigation of any workplace accidents.
  • They shall collate accident data and act as the point of contact with the HSE in relation any reportable workplace accidents.
  • They shall assist management in carrying out workplace inspections and prepare and circulate a report pertaining to these inspections.
  • Employee Responsibilities
  • To take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of themselves and others, who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  • To co-operate fully with the management to ensure, that the organisation fully complies with its duties in relation to statutory legislation.
  • To refrain from the misuse or interference with anything provided by the organisation in the interests of Health, Safety and Welfare, and from any act or omission that may endanger themselves or others.
  • To use all safety equipment and facilities provided for their health and safety, in accordance with any training and instructions they have received and in accordance with the relevant statutory requirements.
  • To report any unsafe equipment, hazards or working practices to the management as soon as it is practicable.
  • Assist the management in identifying, assessing and controlling all risks associated with the organisation undertakings.






Competent Person


The Organisation will appoint a competent person to assist in undertaking the measures required to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed by or under the relevant statutory provisions.

A person shall be regarded as competent when he/she has sufficient training, experience, knowledge and qualifications and other qualities to enable him/her properly to assist in undertaking the measure referred to above.




  • Visitors to any location may not be aware of the risk associated within the organisation, therefore all visitors must:
  • Sign in on arrival in the relevant book;
  • Be accompanied by the person they are visiting, who in turn is responsible for the visitor’s safety and ensuring that visitors are aware of any hazardous process or situation they be exposed to;
  • Comply with all instructions given to them by the designated member of staff who is responsible for their safety. All instructions must be complied with as timeously as possible without any delay;
  • On leaving the premises, must sign out.


First Aiders


First Aiders or Appointed Person will be appointed for all areas in accordance with the Health and Safety Regulations.

The First Aiders or Appointed person will be responsible for the taking of prompt and appropriate action following any accident, whether to an employee or not.

Relevant employee’s will be responsible for the maintenance of the contents of all First Aid Kits and ensure that only items specified will be retained in the kits.

Names of competent First Aiders shall be prominently displayed as close as practically possible to the First Aid boxes.




All accidents, no matter how minor, will be reported on the appropriate Accident Book, which is located at the office. This may be completed by the injured party or their representative. The paperwork will be kept in a secure place.

The health & safety co-ordinator will collect paperwork and initiate accident investigation. They will report the accident to Health & Safety Executive.


Where an employee of another Organisation is involved in an accident, a copy of the Accident Report Form will be sent to his/her employer.




Reporting and Investigating of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences


  • All accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses will be reported immediately to the Line Manager responsible for the site as soon as possible after the event.
  • All reportable accidents and dangerous occurrences will be reported to the HSE within 15 days by the appointed person.
  • All reportable accidents and dangerous occurrences shall be investigated by the relevant person and investigated within 24 hours.




It is the Company’s policy to take account of fire hazards in the workplace. All employees have a duty to conduct their operations in such a way as to minimize the risk of fire. This involves keeping combustible materials separate from sources of ignition and avoiding unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials.

Site Supervisors are responsible for keeping their operating areas safe from fire, ensuring that their staff is trained in proper fire prevention practices and emergency procedures.


Fire Officer:


  • Once the alarm has been raised the fire officer will make themselves identifiable (hi-vis etc.)
  • Once the fire alarm has been raised, the fire officer must collect the visitors sign-in book / the sign-in book.
  • Search all rooms, including restrooms, to ensure that all persons are aware of the evacuation. Be especially watchful of persons who may have visual or hearing impairment.


Fire Wardens:


  • If an alarm has been raised determine if there is an actual fire if possible
  • Notify the fire department.
  • Area sweeps in their designated zone.
  • Carry out safe evacuations.
  • If evacuated to the street, keep the front entrance clear to expedite Fire Department response. Prohibit re-entry of the area until allowed by proper authority.
  • Head count at muster points and report missing persons.


Work Equipment Safety


The company will ensure that work equipment is so constructed or adapted to be suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.


The company will ensure that all work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order, in good repair and where any machinery has a maintenance log, the log is kept up to date.


Where the safety of the work equipment depends on the installation conditions, it will be inspected after installation and before being put into service for the first time or assembled at a new site or in a new location, to ensure that it has been installed correctly and is safe to operate.


Use of work equipment will be restricted to person(s) who have been given the task and training for using it.


The company will ensure that access to dangerous parts will be prevented by the means of suitable guarding.


Employees will follow all safe working procedures and attend training provided by the company.


Employees will ensure that all work equipment is used only for what it was designed for, report any defects or faults in equipment and stop using equipment immediately.




To comply with the general duty to provide information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of staff, health and Safety training will be provided as follows:


  • At inductions
  • Repeat training at regular intervals
  • On introduction of new technology
  • On changes in systems of work
  • When training needs are identified during Risk Assessments


Managers at all levels will be included in the health and safety training programme. Consultation of Employees

Consultation regarding matters of health and safety shall take place in the following forms but will not solely restricted to these formats, formal written documents, informal written documents, verbal messages and electronic formats. Information shall be circulated to employees on a frequent basis dependent upon the needs of the organisation.


Meetings with employees shall take place in the following formats, formal /informal meetings, toolbox talks and one to one meeting. Written records of toolbox talks and formal meetings shall be kept and made available to employees in either hard copies or electronic records.


Risk: Assessments


Risk assessments shall be carried out for all high and medium risk processes and work activities. Specific assessments shall be carried out for the following activities (if they appear), but not limited to, manual handling, DSE, working with lead, working with asbestos, working in noisy environments, COSHH, DSEAR and working in confined spaces.

Risk assessments shall be reviewed, following an accident, when there is a significant change to existing work processes, when there has been a change to legislation, when new machinery has been introduced, or on a regular basis to determine if they are still valid.

Risk assessments shall be carried out by person/s that the management have identified as being the most competent, experienced, received training and knowledgeable of the work activity that is to be assessed.



Personal Protective Equipment


The appropriate PPE will be provided, free of charge, for employees whose work activities warrant it. Training on safe use, adequate storage facilities and regular maintenance will also be provided.

It is mandatory that PPE is worn as specified by relevant site rules and were stated in the risk assessments and method statements.






Manual Handling


Manual handling operations will be risk assessed to determine suitable control measures for the management of risk and the company will endeavour to eliminate manual handling operations where practicable with any remaining risks being controlled by;


  • Reducing weights and load sizes where possible.
  • Reducing the frequency of manual handling
  • The use of additional manpower
  • Through the provision of suitable equipment to assist in the operation as well as the relevant training in the use of lifting equipment.
  • The selection of persons to carry out manual handling or lifting tasks will be based on the training given, age, physique etc.



Control of Hazardous Substances


For all substances, which fall under REACH regulations, the relevant data safety sheets will be obtained from the manufacturer and an assessment made of the risks posed by those substance(s) these will be documented. The measures taken will include the requirement to seek alternative, less hazardous products where possible.


Relevant training will be given on the use, handling, storage and transportation of all relevant hazardous products, as well as training regarding actions to take in emergency situations.



Where Can I View Delca Logistic UAB Health and Safety Policy?


DELCA LOGISTIC UAB Health & Safety Policy is displayed on the internal company platform and head office notice board in Marijampolė.


Policy Review


The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in nature and size. To ensure this, the policy review and the notification to employees will take place on an annual basis.



Procedures and orders


Delca Logistic UAB implements it’s Health and Safety policy through various procedures that are fully in line with national legislation. The following procedures are prepared and reviewed continuously.


  • Occupational safety and health instructions
  • Training on occupational safety and health
  • Health inspections of workers
  • Worker’s representatives for safety and health
  • Company Occupational Safety and Health Service
  • Employee representatives. Labour Council
  • Rules of Procedure
  • Incidents
  • Intoxication control
  • Fire safety
  • Staff Regulations
  • Other relevant orders and relevant legislation


DELCA LOGISTIC UAB Safety Action Plan 2021


No. Action Completion date Responsible


1. Audit of Delca Logistic UAB Health and Safety performance

by TUVLITA (German-Lithuanian company)

August 20, 2021 Director
2. Review of Delca Logistic UAB Health and Safety policy and

other health and safety documentation

August, 2021 Sustainability


3. Health and Safety training for all employers July, August, 2021 Subcontractor



DELCA LOGISTIC UAB Safety Action Plan 2024


No. Action Completion date Responsible


1. To implement Health and safety management system ISO45001 March, 2024 Director